

ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID3635 ThemeECONOMIC REFORMS: ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES AuthorsVahan Baghdasaryan TitleTax relations in reform Page6
ID3636 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsMaia Giorgobiani, Guram Metekheli TitleAbout the Ascertaining the Correlation between the Indexes of the Academic Personnel’s Salary and the Cost and Value of Teaching Students Page11
ID3637 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsLia Dzebisauri TitleProblems of mirror comparison in georgian external trade statistics Page16
ID3638 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsEther Takalandze TitleThe Continuity of Human Heredity is the social-economic mission of the Country-Government Page25
ID3639 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsDavid Harutyunyan TitleSome Issues of Efficiency of the Principles and Methods of the Regulation of the Balance of Payments Page35
ID3640 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsMaia Kapanadze, Merabi Kvantaliani TitleTourism in the epoch of globalization: legal-economic aspects Page50
ID3641 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsMaia Seturi TitleSome aspects of development of a new product Page56
ID3642 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsOtar Djidjavadze, Varlam Ramishvili TitleThe Influence of humidity of air power and the efficiency of internal combustion engine Page63
ID3643 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsLiana Grigorian TitleThe main principles of management of innovative risk in the industry Page70
ID3644 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsVarlam Ramishvili, Natalia Djidjavadze TitleTourism industry - The sphere of investment activity Page76
ID3645 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsLiana Grigorian TitleChoice of criteria of efficiency of management of innovative risk Page85
ID3646 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsNino Grigolaia TitleSome psychological aspects of accounting Page90
ID3647 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsMurtaz Maghradze, Teimuraz Gognadze TitleImprovement of state procurement management through electronic tenders Page97
ID3648 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsManana Nanitashvili TitleThe essence of logistics and logistics managerial tasks Page110
ID3649 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsAshot Matevosyan TitleInnovation as the basis for the development and improvement of small and medium-sized enterprises Page117
ID3650 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsDavid Harutyunyan TitleThe Problems of Regulation of balance of payments in RA Page124
ID10390 Themeრეცენზია Authorsავთანდილ სილაგაძე, კარლო ღურწკაია, რევაზ შენგელია, ზურაბ ვაშაკიძე Titleუილიამ პეტტი - "პოლიტეკონომიის კოლუმბი" Page129
ID3651 ThemeSUMMARY Authors TitleSUMMARY Page133