

ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID3449 ThemeECONOMIC REFORMS: ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES AuthorsGuram Chargazia TitleGovernmental Fiscal Policy - Types and Directions Page6
ID3450 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsUshangi Samadashvili TitleInclusive Economic Growth and Human Capital Page13
ID3451 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsGeorge Kutateladze TitleThe New Role of Japan Monopolies for Strengthening Country’s Economy Page23
ID3452 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsEkaterine Gloveli TitleStatistical Analysis and Prognosis of the Nexus between the Registered Crime rates, Income of Population and the level of Unemployment Page31
ID3453 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsNatia Djanelize TitleThe Developing Strategy of Commercial Banks Activities and the Main Credit Elements Page43
ID3454 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsGeorge Kutateladze TitleSpecific Instruments In Japan Management Which Are Mainly Used In Japan Companies Page56
ID3455 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsDezdemona Maghlakelidze TitleSome Aspects of Depreciation Accounting of Fixed assets Page73
ID3456 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsEkaterine Gloveli TitleDemocracy and Human Development Indexes and their Influence on the Crime Rates Page84
ID3457 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsGeorge Kutateladze TitleInnovative State Management of Japan Business Page92
ID3458 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsNanuli Khizanishvili, Maia Aladashvili TitleThe Need for Advertising and Impact on Society Page103
ID3459 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsNatia Shengelia TitlePharmaceutical Production Business-as a Specific Investment Sphere in Modern Circumstances (with President’s scientific grant N52/18) Page110
ID3460 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsVasil Khizanishvili TitleSuppliers and Competitors As Stakeholders Page117
ID3461 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsВажа Зеикидзе TitleМенеджмент человеческих ресурсов в системе вооруженных сил Page122
ID3462 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsEmzar Julakidze TitleThe Main Criteria for the Success of Business Projects Page132
ID3463 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsAnna Tandilashvili TitleBusiness-Image and Issues of Economic Psychology Page141
ID3464 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsNestan Jachvliani, Gega Berdzenishvili, George Khidesheli, Gela Lobjanidze TitleEconomic Policy of Transnational Corporations in New Industrial Countries of Latin America(on the example of Brasilia) Page150
ID3465 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsGeorge Kutateladze TitleCharacteristics of International Transfer of Japan Management Page160
ID3466 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsMaia Benia TitleSharing Experience of the the Visegrad Group Countris to Georgia on the way of getting a Membership for European Union Page168
ID3467 ThemeCONGRATULATIONS AuthorsRevaz Shengelia TitleGiorgi Shublaze - 80 Page182