

ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID3390 ThemeECONOMIC REFORMS: ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES AuthorsPaata Koguashvili, Anna Phirtskhalashvili TitleThe Absence of Regulation of Land is impermissible Page6
ID3391 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsRevaz Shengelia, Zhuzhuna Tsiklauri-Shengelia TitleThe Morally Outdated Scientific-technical Knowledge - the Main Obstructive Factor for Economic Growth Page19
ID3392 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsBeqa Koberidze TitleInstitutional Trends of Entrepreneurship Development in the European Union Page32
ID3393 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsNatia Shengelia TitleThe Optimal Use of Investments, their Role and Impact on Economic Growth and Development of Georgia (President’s scientific grant N 52/18-2013/2014) Page43
ID3394 ThemeREGIONAL ECONOMY AuthorsVladimer Ghlonti, Archil Sirabidze TitleThe Determining Method for Investment Potential of a Mezo-level Region Page60
ID3395 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsNatali Jijavadze, Revaz Shengelia TitleThe World Experience of State Administration of Tourism Industry by Investment Page77
ID3396 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsTamar Vanishvili TitleCommunication - One main factor of Organizational Behavior Page91
ID3397 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsDavit Darsavelidze, Abraham Benavides TitleA Transition from Soviet Central Planning to Strategic Management: Development Efforts in Tbilisi, Georgia Page99
ID3398 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsNino Ckhovrebashvili TitleThe Managerial Aspects of Customer Relationship in French Marketing Page125
ID3399 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsGuram Metekheli TitleThe Features of Information and Communication Business and the Development Problems in Georgia Page133
ID3400 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsNatia Shengelia TitleThe Investment Environment in Georgia, in other Transitional and Highly-developed Countries (President’s scientific grant N 52/18-2013/2014) Page144
ID3401 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsGuga Berdzenishvili, Gocha Lobjanidze, Giorgi Khidesheli TitleThe Challenges, Goals and Perspectives of the Eurasian Economic Union Page155
ID3402 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsMegi Ananidze, Revaz Shengelia TitleTransnational Corporations and their Role in International Economy Page163