

ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID3353 ThemeECONOMIC REFORMS: ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES AuthorsPaata Koghuashvili TitleLet’s Make Each Village a Manufacturer Brand (For surviving and developing of the process of agricultural cooperatives) Page6
ID3354 ThemeECONOMIC REFORMS: ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES AuthorsGiorgi Kharshiladze TitleThe Macroeconomic Trends in Georgia in Transition period Page21
ID3355 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsZurab Vashakidze, Giorgi Jabnidze, Salome Mashvniashvili TitleThe Structure and Dynamic of Foreign Investments in Georgia Page31
ID3356 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsБадри Давитаиа TitleВиды и особенности лиизинга в условиях рыночной экономики Page40
ID3357 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsNino Abesadze TitleAufbau des Tourismus-Satellitenkontos (Auf dem Beispiel Deutschlands) Page49
ID3358 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsБадри Давитаиа TitleСущность и принципы самострахования финансовых рысков хозяйственных субьектов Page58
ID3359 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsBesik Barkalaia, Nino Shapatava, Anna Vashakidze TitleDetermination of Key Issues of Forming a Tourism Product Page66
ID3360 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsNatan Tafliashvili TitleWhich Sector does the Resort Service Belong to : Health Care or Tourism? Page74
ID3361 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsNino Shapatava TitleThe Interlinks between Tourism and Creative Sectors as a Prerequisite for Successful Innovative Tourism Page90
ID3362 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsRamaz Otinashvili, Kakhaber Makhviladze TitleA Marketing Research – as an Initial Stage of Business Reengineering Page97
ID3363 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsOtar Shonia, Ioseb Qartvelishvili, Vaja Nadirashvili, Luka Shonia TitleFinding the Optimal Rectilinear Programming Task Solutions by Applying the Economic-mathematical Modeling Page106
ID3364 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsДиана Вашакмадзе TitleОсобенности и перспективы развития рекламы в Грузии Page117
ID3365 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsBeka Koberidze TitleThe Challenges of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship in Georgia Page129
ID3366 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsNatia Shengelia, Zhuzhuna Tsiklauri-Shengelia, Revaz Shengelia TitleThe Types of Risk and Hedging Techniques in Financial Management Page140
ID3367 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsMamuka Chikhladze TitleThe Container Shipping Related Problems in the International Corridor Page148
ID3368 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsOtar Abesadze TitleThe Main Problems of Statistical Account of Economic Integration of Georgia with European Union and the ways of their improving Page154
ID3369 ThemeREVIEWS AuthorsMisha Djibuti TitleThe Review in the Modern Georgia by testing Neocolonialism Page159
ID3370 ThemeCONGRATULATIONS AuthorsRevaz Shengelia Title20th Anniversary to the Business Scientific Academy of Georgia Page163
ID3371 Theme Authors TitlePublications Requirements Page164