

ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID3226 ThemeECONOMIC REFORMS: ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES AuthorsTamar Chakhunashvili TitleThe Results of the Health Care Reform in Primary Health Care Institutions Page7
ID3227 ThemeECONOMIC REFORMS: ANALYSIS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES AuthorsMerab Kelendjeridze TitleThe Determinants of Economic Development in the Field of Innovation and Fiscal Policy Page23
ID3228 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsNino Maqatsaria, Tamar Beridze, David Bibichadze TitleEconomic Growth and Social Progress Page38
ID3229 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsNino Samchkuashvili TitleWorld Market of Foreign Investments and Georgia Page48
ID3230 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsDiana Vashakmadze TitleSocial Responsibility and Georgian Reality Page59
ID3231 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsRevaz Shengelia TitleFor the Narrow and Broad Understanding of the Categories: „ Moral Deterioration” and „Moral Obsolescence“ Page69
ID3232 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsBadri Davitaia TitleThe Modern Forms of Enterprises Investing in the Conditions of Market Economy Page78
ID3233 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsEter Takalandze TitleGradual Raising of the Marginal Level of Public Culture is a Prerequisite for the Creativity and Preservation of the Political - economic History (Part II ) Page86
ID3234 ThemeMODERN PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS AuthorsMaia Soselia, Tamar Beridze ,Tamar Rostiashvili TitleEnvironmental Policy Instruments and the Issues of their Practical Usage Page97
ID3235 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsOtari Kobakhidze TitleThe Coordination Issues of Fiscal and Monetary Policy of Georgia Page109
ID3236 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsTamar Abshilava TitleThe Pricing-interest Strategy of Commercial Banks Page119
ID3237 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsIrakli Lashkhi TitleInnovative Process Management in Commercial Banks Page125
ID3238 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsMzevinar Nozadze TitleBank Insurance, its Essence and Characteristics Page137
ID3239 ThemeFINANCES, BANKS AND EXCHANGE MARKETS AuthorsOtari Kobakhidze TitleThe Theoretical Aspects of Problems of Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Page145
ID3240 ThemeREGIONAL ECONOMY AuthorsLali Xarbedia, Mzisadar Bjalava TitleHarbor Functions and Their Influence on the Regional Economic Activity Page154
ID3241 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsLela Bochoidze, Maia Chinchaladze, Nino Darsavelidze TitleThe Peculiarities of Formation of Clusters of Transport Logistics Page162
ID3242 ThemeSECTORAL ECONOMY AuthorsAndrei Mickevich, Zhuzhuna Tsiklauri TitleThe Controlled and Regulated Expenses and Results Page168
ID3243 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsMedea Shengelia TitleInternet Copyright Management Page174
ID3244 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsAna Katukia TitleMotivation Diversity in Comparative Management Page181
ID3245 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsAnn Tsulaia TitleThe Marketing Aspects Of Corporation Social Responsibility Page198
ID3246 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsZurab Jorbenadze, Archil Gogritchiani TitleBusiness Risk Prevention, as the Way of Development of Business Activities Page209
ID3247 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsIrma Makharashvili TitleDecision-making as a Process Page216
ID3248 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsInga Gigauri TitleStrategic Directions and the Role of the Government in the Anti-Crisis Management of the Enterprises Page230
ID3249 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsMedea Shengelia TitlePirated Market Problems in Musical Industry Page236
ID3250 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsMania Gogidze TitleThe Top-management-team Model in the Organization Page243
ID3251 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsIrma Makharashvili TitleManagerial Decision as the Universal Form of Behavior of Individual and Social Group Page253
ID3252 ThemeBUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING AuthorsNino Mkheidze, Tsiala Lomaia TitleThe New Approaches to Leadership and Organizational Cultures in the Conditions of Globalization in the Context of Network Management Page263
ID3253 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsGuram Jolia TitleInversion of Globalization Vector and One Hundred Years of Developing Asia Page278
ID3254 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsMania Gogidze TitleThe Popular International Models of Team Management and Decision-making Page311
ID3255 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsMikheil Kiknadze TitleSmall and Medium Business (SMEs) in Singapore Page321
ID3256 ThemeWORLD ECONOMY AuthorsKetevan Shengelia TitleThe Influence of Global Companies and the Perspectives for Georgia Page331
ID3257 Theme Authors Title PUBLICATION REQUIREMENTS Page343