სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID2279 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsANZOR ABRALAVA. TitleEffect of innovations on business and social economics Page10
ID2280 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsIOSEB ARCHVADZE TitlePost Soviet Countries in the Period after receiving Independence (comparison of 2012 with 1990) Page15
ID2281 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsTAMAZ BAKRADZE, IRAKLI TSERETELI TitleThe ways of speed-up of the economical development and restoration of just taxation in Georgia Page28
ID2282 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsEDUARD KAVTIDZE TitleSome questions in relation to work in the conditions of the market relations Page33
ID2283 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsZVIAD TSKHADADZE, BADRI TSKHADADZE, EKA KUPHUNIA-TSKHADADZE TitleGeorgian Crisis and Self-Destruction Page36
ID2284 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsLALI ZEINKLISHVILI TitleSocial Responsibility and Ethics Page41
ID2285 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsMERAB VANISHVILI, NINO VANISHVILI, DAVIT KHACHAPURIDZE TitleThe social security system of Georgian and its impact on poverty Page45
ID2286 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA TitleThe family management in Georgian Culture Page51
ID2287 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsGODERDZI TABATADZE, GELA LOBJANIDZE TitleEconomic science and religion in the conditions of globalization Page62
ID2288 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsGIORGI MALASHKHIA TitleAbout a new paradigm of the theory of welfare (In Russian) Page69
ID2289 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsKAKHABER TSIMINTIA TitleMain Problems of Teaching “Microeconomics” Page75
ID2290 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsPAATA KOGHUASHVILI, SHOTA CHKHEIDZE TitleFood Safety, the Primary Duty of the Government Page77
ID2291 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsNANA SAMSONIA, TAMAR TSERETELI, BELA CHANTURIDZE TitleDevelopment of processes of the foreign energy relations in energy-supply of Georgia Page88
ID2292 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsGURAM JOLIA, QETEVAN JOLIA TitleCognitive Approach – New Paradigm in Marketing Page93
ID2293 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsBADRI GECHBAIA TitleFormation of the international clusters as factor of increase of competitiveness economies of the countries of central Caucasus Page105
ID2294 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsLAMARA QOQIAURI TitleIntellectual potential of a company and its evaluation (In English) Page111
ID2295 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNATO CHIKVILADZE, LASHA KAKULIA TitleObjective need of comparative management Page125
ID2296 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsGENADI IASHVILI, BESARION SHERAZADISHVILI TitleTheoretical bases of the management of service quality Page132
ID2297 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsLAMARA QOQIAURI TitleMain Postulates Of Security Emission Theory Page136
ID2298 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsGELA TKHESHELASHVILI, SALOME KHIFIANI TitleGlobal economic processes and Georgian Ports Page153
ID2299 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsMAIA ALADASHVILI TitleInsurance of Deposits in the Banking System of Georgia Page157
ID2300 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsEVGENI ALIMPIIEV TitleFinancial regulation of economy through channels of budget deficit and public debt (In English) Page160
ID2301 ThemeAccounting and Audit AuthorsGIORGI TSAAVA, NATO CHIKVILADZE TitleTraining-workshop business related features Financial Management in Small Business Page167
ID2302 ThemeAccounting and Audit AuthorsYURIY PRYSIAZHNIUK, ROKSOLANA PASLAVSKA TitleFor the evaluation of the tax administration system in Ukraine (In Russian) Page175
ID2303 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsALEKO KUTATELADZE, MAIA KALIASHVILI TitleInternational Investment Projects Efficiency Foreseen Economic Risks Page180
ID2304 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsALEKO KUTATELADZE, MAIA KALIASHVILI TitleEconomic Effectsin Foreign Direct Investment and Georgian Co-investment Fund Page184
ID2305 ThemeProblems of Branch Economy AuthorsG.AMKHOLADZE, M.LOMSADZE-KUCHAVA, J. DUGLADZE TitleInovetive process in the energy companies Page188
ID2306 ThemeProblems of Ecology AuthorsPARMEN LEMONJAVA. TitleThe level of life of the society and its relation with the environmental protection and reproduction Page191
ID2307 ThemeHealth Care and Statistics AuthorsIULIA ONIANI TitleStatistical Analysis of Population Morbidity Page198
ID2308 ThemeRegards Authors Title MIKHEIL ROKETLISHVILI is 85 years old Page206
ID2309 ThemeNew Books Authors TitleExchange of thoughts round new books of GIORGI MALASXIAS Page207
ID2310 ThemeNew Books AuthorsISIDORE JANELIDZE TitleGun - to the armorer, the armorer - to the village Page209
ID2311 Theme Authors TitleIn Memory of RAMAZ SHAKHULASHVILI Page213
ID2312 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsMERAB VANISHVILI, VAKHTANG DATASHVILI, DAVIT KHACHAPURIDZE TitleCourse of lectures, subject 11 Page215
ID2313 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsMERAB VANISHVILI, VAKHTANG DATASHVILI, IRMA LOMADZE TitleCourse of lectures, subject 12 Page227
ID2314 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO I.GHURTSKAIA, KARLO K.GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of lectures, subject 1 Page241
ID2315 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO I. GHURTSKAIA, KARLO K. GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of lectures, subject 2 Page263