სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID2246 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsGIORGI MALASHKHIA TitleRequirements, Consumption, Squandering Page10
ID2247 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsROZETA ASATIANI. TitleObligation of studying economics of the public sector in Georgia’s higher educational institutions Page26
ID2248 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsPARMEN LEMONJAVA, NINO VANISHVILI. TitlePublic - Private Partnership schemes in the infrastructure projects of Central and Eastern European countries Page39
ID2249 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsAKAKI GVARUTSIZE. TitleState regulation of innovative economics (experience of foreign countries) Page50
ID2250 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsTAMAR VANISHVILI. TitleFeatures of formation of human capital and organizational behaviour Page57
ID2251 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsNANI MAMFORIA. TitleThe competition - incentive of improvement of economy Page60
ID2252 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsNINO VANISHVILI. TitleThe peculiarities of public - private partnership projects in developing countries Page63
ID2253 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsVALERI KATUKIA. TitleProviding institutional support to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), problems and impeding factors Page69
ID2254 ThemeProblems of Globalization AuthorsTEONA BAKANIDZE. TitleGlobalization and information technologies in business Page72
ID2255 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsNODAR TSANAVA. TitleEconomic security of Georgia in the modern global world and prospects of its improvement Page75
ID2256 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsGENADI IASHVILI, IRAKLI MANVELIDZE. TitleInstitutional frameworks for establishing electronic governance in Georgia Page87
ID2257 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNINO LAZVIASHVILI. TitleCorporation in Georgian and foreign law Page91
ID2258 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsRAMAZ OTINASHVILI, ILIA PAPASHVILI. TitleCompetitive investigation and management Page97
ID2259 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsGIORGI KHANTADZE. TitleFeatures of credit portfolio management Page101
ID2260 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsEDUARD KAVTIDZE, QETINO SHONIA. TitleDistribution and administration of payments in Georgia Page106
ID2261 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsMAIA ALADASHVILI. TitleImportance of credit operations and credit portfolio analysis in risk management Page109
ID2262 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsSOPIKO MIKABADZE. TitleHuman resources in banking Page112
ID2263 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsDAVIT NACHKHEBIA. TitleThe automated banking systems and the software of bank operations Page115
ID2264 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsEDUARD KAVTIDZE, KETINO SHONIA. TitleRole of budget in profit distribution Page119
ID2265 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsMAIA ALADASHVILI, NANA RINKIASHVILI. TitleComponents of credit risk in commercial banks and their regulation Page122
ID2266 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsLAMARA QOQIAURI. TitleInvestments and Innovations Definition of priority of investigative and innovative activity Page125
ID2267 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsLASHA BAGRATIONI. TitleCharacteristics of investment activity and mechanisms to ensure them (In Russian) Page135
ID2268 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsNINO QOQIAURI. TitleTransformations and Innovations Page140
ID2269 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsLUARA GVAJAIA. TitleStrategic management of innovations Page147
ID2270 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsMARIAM KHACHIDZE. TitleDirect foreign investments and their influence on the economic growth of the recipient countries Page154
ID2271 ThemeProblems of Economy’s History AuthorsKOBA SOKHADZE TitleFeudal management and feudal system Page158
ID2272 ThemeProblems of Tourism AuthorsNODAR SAMKHARADZE. TitleQuestions of formation of tourist clusters in Georgia Page163
ID2273 ThemeAt Sources of a World Civilization AuthorsALIKO TSINTSADZE. TitleIberian-Caucasian civilization (reconstruction of history of pre-Christian Georgia, fragment) Page166
ID2274 ThemeDemographic Problems AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA, QETINO SHONIA. TitleFamily and Georgia’s demographic situation Page173
ID2275 ThemeProblems of Law AuthorsSHOTA DVALISHVILI. TitleInternational standards as prevention methodological principles of Juvenile Crime Page177
ID2276 ThemeProblems of Law AuthorsMAMUKA MDINARADZE. TitleCompetition in Georgian law and Its provokes Page182
ID2277 ThemeProblems of Ecology AuthorsPARMEN LEMONJAVA, VAKHTANG DATASHVILI. TitleConcrete solutions of ecological problems Page185
ID2278 ThemeProblems of Ecology AuthorsKARLO I. GHURTSKAIA, KARLO K. GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA. TitleCourse of lectures, subject 3 Page186