სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID2240 Theme AuthorsSALOME PIRVELI TitleHistorical and Legal Preconditions for Establishing Property Rights Page6
ID2241 Theme AuthorsDAVID KERESELIDZE TitleModernization of the state budget: Problems and some results Page11
ID2242 Theme AuthorsDAVID KERESELIDZE TitleDemocratization of the budgeting process Page17
ID2243 Theme AuthorsTAMAR BERIDZE, ZURAB BAKHTURIDZE TitleProfit of the home enterprises and standard of living of families Page24
ID2244 Theme AuthorsTAMAR BERIDZE, ZURAB BAKHTURIDZE TitleQuestion of differentiation of increase of population Page36
ID2245 Theme AuthorsMAIA BENIA TitleSharing of experience of Visegrad's group on the road to the European Union Page47