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ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID2205 Theme AuthorsPAATA KOGUASHVILI TitleDecade Isn't Required That The Georgian Ground Appeared In Hands Of Foreigners! Page10
ID2206 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsTAMAR BERIDZE, ZURAB BAKHTURIDZE TitleQuestion of Differentiation of Increase of Population Page12
ID2207 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsNATO NATROSHVILI, MARINA TOPCHISHVILI TitleBusiness Development and Level of Living of the Population in the Regions of Georgia Page18
ID2208 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsPARMEN LEMONJAVA, LASHA MURJIKNELI TitleProblems of Knowledge of the Interconnected Processes in Integration System of Ecology and Economy Page21
ID2209 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsEDUARD KAVTIDZE TitleTendency of Improvement of Allocation Relationships Page24
ID2210 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsMAIA BENIA TitleSharing of experience of Visegrad's group on the road to the European Union Page27
ID2211 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsDAVID KERESELIDZE TitleModernization of the state budget: Problems and some results Page36
ID2212 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsKSENIA ZAKHAROVA TitleInterrelation with Efficiency of Antimonopoly Regulation of Financial Agreements and State Economic Security Page39
ID2213 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, LASHA KHORGUANI, QETINO SHONIA TitleState Role in the Conditions of a Transitional Economy Page43
ID2214 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsTAMAR KHINIKADZE TitleStages of Development of State Regulation of Stock Market Page54
ID2215 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsOLEG BASHARULI, PAATA KOGUASHVILI TitleThe Perspectives of Plural Energetics System Development of Georgia Page59
ID2216 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsNODAR SAMKHARADZE, MARIAM KAPANADZE TitleProblems of the External Economic Relations of Georgia Page65
ID2217 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsDAVID KERESELIDZE TitleDemocratization of the Budgeting Process Page70
ID2218 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, LASHA KHORGUANI TitleRole of Modern Management in Effective Development of the Organization Page73
ID2219 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsGENADI IASHVILI, SALOME KHUBANEISHVILI TitleSome Questions of Business-psychology and Cultures of the Organization of the Producer Page88
ID2220 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, TAMAR KHINIKADZE, QETINO SHONIA TitleAnalysis of Modern Position of the Georgian Stock Market Page91
ID2221 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA, EKA DARCHIASHVILI TitleLeadership in System of Modern Management Page102
ID2222 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, IRAKLI PAPAVA TitleBusiness Environment and State Role in its Improvement Page109
ID2223 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsSHALVA KERESELIDZE, DAVID KERESELIDZE TitleThe Essence of the Taxes and Their Origins Page115
ID2224 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsANA KATUKIA TitleMotivation Paradigms Compared Mamagement Page118
ID2225 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsLASHA GUGUASHVILI TitleOutsourcing of Business-processes - Progressive Methodology of Modern Management Page124
ID2226 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsVALERI KATUKIA TitleInstitutional and Administrative Transformations and Georgian Reality Page133
ID2227 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsGIORGI TSAAVA, TAMAR SAKVARELIDZE TitleInteraction is a Key Factor in the Bank’s Operational Risk and Reliability Issues Page140
ID2228 ThemeBanks, Accounting and Audit AuthorsMAIA ALADASHVILI, NANULI KHIZANISHVILI TitleRisk Management in Banking System Page147
ID2229 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsTEONA BAQANIDZE, MAGDA BAQANIDZE TitleInvestments and Attractiveness of Investment Page150
ID2230 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsMARIAM KHACHIDZE TitleForeign Investments and Investment Funds in the Conditions of Globalization and Internationalization Page153
ID2231 ThemeProblems of Small Business AuthorsTAMAR BERIDZE, ZURAB BAKHTURIDZE TitleProfit of the Home Enterprises and Standard of Living of Families Page156
ID2232 ThemeProblems of Small Business AuthorsKATE DOREULI TitleThe Importance of Small and Medium Businesses for the Development of Georgian Regions Page162
ID2233 ThemeProblems of Law AuthorsSALOME PIRVELI TitleHistorical and Legal Preconditions for Establishing Property Rights Page165
ID2234 ThemeHistory of Economic View AuthorsGIORGI MALASHKHIA, AKAKI GVARUTSIDZE TitleGrand Ilya - theArchitect of Human Life Page168
ID2235 ThemeModern Issues of Georgia AuthorsGIORGI BAGATURIA TitleInformation War Against Georgia Page176
ID2236 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO I. GHURTSKAIA, KARLO K. GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 4 Page182
ID2237 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO I. GHURTSKAIA, KARLO K. GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 5 Page201
ID2238 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO I. GHURTSKAIA, KARLO K. GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 6 Page223
ID2239 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO I. GHURTSKAIA, KARLO K. GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 7 Page238