სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID2146 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsROZETA ASATIANI TitleEconomy of Georgia through the prism of the new world order (In Russian) Page10
ID2147 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsMERAB VANISHVILI, NINO VANISHVILI TitlePublic private partnership in the implementation of the obstacles and the prospects of Georgia Page17
ID2148 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsZURAB VASHAKIDZE, MARINA DIASAMIDZE, ANA VASHAKIZE TitleThe modern theories and the characteristics of Investment Page25
ID2149 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsRAMAZ OTINASHVILI, GIORGI KURDIANI TitleImportance of intellectual property protection effective mechanisms Page31
ID2150 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsG. IASHVILI, B. SHERAZADISHVILI TitleEffectively management of time in organizations Page34
ID2151 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsELENE MENABDE-JOBADZE TitleComparative economic method in the history of economics and history of economic thought Page37
ID2152 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsZURAB NAPISHVILI, NIZAMI KHASIMOV TitlePier Le Pezan De Buagilber and development of the concept of national income (In Russian) Page42
ID2153 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsGUGULI KHURASHVILI, ANA BOLQVADZE TitleElectronic communications - Internet access in Georgia Page46
ID2154 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsEVGENI BARATASHVILI, IRMA MAKHARASHVILI TitleMeaning of time-management in business Page50
ID2155 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA, ELEONORA LAGVILAVA TitleDirections of industrial innovative clusters in business Page53
ID2156 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsGIGLA GABAIDZE, GIORGI GABAIDZE TitleLeadership style - one of the important conditions for the effective management of labor personnel Page59
ID2157 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsMALKHAZ NIKOLASVILI TitleOnline marketing peculiarities Page65
ID2158 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsGEDANI IASHVILI, VAKHTANG DATASHVILI, TINA MELQOSHVILI TitleFormation and implementation of e-government’s organizational aspects Page68
ID2159 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsNUGZAR NAVADZE, SABA MEBAGISHVILI TitleThe reasons of Traffic Jam and measures of eradication Page72
ID2160 ThemeEconomic Issues of Sector Economy AuthorsNANA SAMSONIA, TAMAR TSERETELI, BELA CHANTURIDZE TitleGeorgia’s foreign relations of energy processes Page78
ID2161 ThemeEconomic Issues of Sector Economy AuthorsTARIEL KIKVADZE, DAVID GEGIA TitleLeontiev’s intersectoral balance model using MS OFFICE Excel tools Page83
ID2162 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsLUARA GVAJAIA TitleThe modern organizational forms of innovative infrastructure Page87
ID2163 ThemeTaxation AuthorsLEVAN ATUASHVILI TitleImportance of value added tax and its peculiarities Page91
ID2164 ThemeAccounting and Audit AuthorsGELA CHADUNELI TitleFinancial improprieties, their identification and classification in a Business Page97
ID2165 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsGIORGI KHANTADZE TitleConceptual directions of an asset management in banking business Page101
ID2166 ThemeProblems of Law AuthorsGIVI ABASHIDZE TitleSources of criminal procedural law Page105
ID2167 ThemeProblems of Law AuthorsTINATIN DEVDARIANI TitleReview of legal regulation of notarial system Page109
ID2168 ThemeProblems of Law AuthorsMAIA SULKHANISHVILI TitleThe legal value of final (solid) presumptions and fictions Page117
ID2169 ThemeProblems of Tourism AuthorsNANA NADAREISHVILI TitleOn the question of tourism planning in Georgia Page121
ID2170 ThemeHistory of Economy AuthorsMARINA TOPCHISHVILI TitleThe history of Georgian soft drinks brands - Lagidze waters Page129
ID2172 ThemeNew Books Authors TitleTAMAZ BAKRADZE Page137
ID2173 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA, KARLO GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 10 Page142
ID2174 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsNODAR TSANAVA TitleFor Students Page163