სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID2041 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, TINA MELKOSHVILI, NATO CHIKVILADZE TitleTechnique of an assessment of information and analytical projects of the electronic government Page10
ID2042 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsMERAB VANISHVILI, KAKHABER JGENTI TitleCorporate management problems and potential solutions in Georgia Page29
ID2043 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsNATIA GURASHVILI TitleWorkability Change in Life Cycle and its Management Page34
ID2044 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsPARMEN LEMONJAVA, AKAKI GVARUTSIDZE, NATO CHIKVILADZE TitleThe Meaning of Scientific -technical Progress Management in Process of Rational Use of Nature Page39
ID2045 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsTAMAR DEVIDZE, GIORGI GURESHIDZE TitleAccomplishment mechanisms of healthcare management in Georgia Page49
ID2046 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsLUARA GVAJAIA, KETEVAN SHONIA TitleInstruments of Management of Economy Page54
ID2047 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNODAR TSANAVA, NANI MAMPORIA TitleAnalysis of a financial condition of firm Page59
ID2048 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTINATIN IASHVILI TitleMethodological strategy of conflictology Page67
ID2049 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsKAKHABER JGENTI TitlePeculiarities of the development of the national model of corporate governance Page70
ID2050 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsCATHERINE MOTSONELIDZE TitleThe characteristics of organization, its financing and management of medical service Page77
ID2051 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsLAMARA QOQIAURI, MARIAM DATASHVILI TitleOnce Again About Investment (In English) Page85
ID2052 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsLEVAN MIKAVA TitleMunicipal Investment Policy Page93
ID2053 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsTEA KVABZIRIDZE, LASHA BAGRATIONI, NATO NATROSHVILI TitleEconomic and Legal Mechanisms for the Implementation of the Investment Activities of the Government Page99
ID2054 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsMERAB KELENJERIDZE TitleThe defining factors of development of economy at innovative and fiscal policy (In Russian) Page105
ID2055 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsNATELA JANELIDZE TitleManpower as bases of the investment decision Page112
ID2056 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsGIORGI KHANTADZE TitleFeatures of the Risks of Influence in Bank System Page117
ID2057 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsLASHA MURJIKNELI TitleFinancial control structure in Georgian public financial system Page121
ID2058 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsILIA CHIBIROV TitleProcess of Projects Funding by World Bank Page125
ID2059 ThemeProblems of Branch Economy AuthorsNODAR TSANAVA TitleAnalysis of profitability of firm Page130
ID2060 ThemeProblems of Branch Economy AuthorsMARINE OKROMCHEDLIDZE TitleSuccess and failure of the construction business in Georgia Page135
ID2061 ThemeProblems of Branch Economy AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA, EKA DARCHIASHVILI TitleEconomic reforms and evolution of management of the organization Page139
ID2062 ThemeProblems of Tourism AuthorsNAIRA GALAKHVARIDZE TitleEcotourism and ecological risk factors Page142
ID2063 ThemePsychology and Conflictology AuthorsKSISTOF LUKIANOVIC TitleThe internal situation in the Georgian breakaway region of Abkhazia and potential development of processes in the context of Georgian security Page148
ID2064 ThemeEconomic Terminology AuthorsBADRI TSKHADADZE, YEVGENY BARATASHVILI, VAKHTANG DATASHVILI TitleOn the Origin of Several Economic Synonymous Concepts - Terms Having One Content Page155
ID2065 ThemeThe New Books AuthorsANZOR BABUKHADIA TitleInteresting work for all Page159
ID2066 ThemeThe New Books AuthorsIASHA MESKHIA TitleThe reference book about economy of Georgia Page162
ID2067 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO GHURTSKAIA, KARLO GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 13 Page169
ID2068 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO GHURTSKAIA, KARLO GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 14 Page188