სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID1949 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsGEORGE MALASHKHIA, TASO GETASHVILI TitleInstitutes and transformations of society in the post - socialist countries Page10
ID1950 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsAKAKI GVARUTSIDZE TitleRisks management in economics Page18
ID1951 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsKAKHABER JGENTI TitleIssues of understanding of distributive relationships under conditions of different social order Page22
ID1952 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsMIKHAIL BARKAN TitleGeneral principles of organization of local self - government Page26
ID1953 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsBAKAR BARATASHVILI TitleSignificance of rate ranking in financial analysis of enterprises Page30
ID1954 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsILGAR VALIEV TitleLegal and economic aspects of leasing Page34
ID1955 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsZURAB KOZMAVA TitleForms and directions of bilateral economic diplomacy Page39
ID1956 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsLEVAN MIKAVA TitleModels of local self - government Page45
ID1957 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsNODAR SAMKHARADZE TitleOffshore software development potential in Georgia Page50
ID1958 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsR. GOGALADZE, E. TSVERAVA TitleThe accounting technique of the necessary power of the withering machine Page57
ID1959 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsMERAB VANISHVILI, IRMA LOMADZE TitleThe system analysis of analytical tools Page60
ID1960 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTORNIKE GURULI TitleCustomer usage preferences on example of pharmaceutical market in Georgia Page68
ID1961 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNINO MKHEIDZE TitleTeam leader’s decisions and efficiency increase Page73
ID1962 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsMAYA CHECHELASHVILI, SOPIKO DEKANOSIDZE TitleFeatures of the business culture of the Georgian companies: from stereotypes to reality Page77
ID1963 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNINO DGVEPADZE TitleComparative analyses of integrated marketing communications models Page81
ID1964 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsKETEVAN JIQIA TitleHuman capital: theory and management trends Page92
ID1965 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNINO MKHEIDZE, ANA KATUKIA TitleMotivation, changes of leadership approaches in different cultures Page97
ID1966 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsDAVID KAPANADZE TitleFeatures entity of the banking product Page104
ID1967 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsIRMA LOMADZE TitleFinancial sustainability criteria and indicators of banking institutions Page109
ID1968 ThemeProblems of Law AuthorsNINO NISHNIANIDZE TitleJudiciary constitutional control over violation of the constitution (Impeachment) Page116
ID1969 ThemeProblems of Tourism AuthorsLALI MIQELADZE TitlePolicy of development of tourism of the European Union countries Page121
ID1970 ThemeNew Books AuthorsLAMARA QOQIAURI TitleBig encyclopedia of finance Page127