სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID1895 ThemeProblems of Social Economy AuthorsPAATA KOGHUASHVILI, DAVID ZARDIASHVILI TitleOn the Georgian Status of the Village Page10
ID1896 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsKOBA SOKHADZE TitleAbout some functions of the state in the course of forming of basic economy in Georgia Page17
ID1897 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsKHATUNA KHARKHELAURI TitleVertical and horizontal analysis of financial statements Page20
ID1898 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsPAATA KOGHUASHVILI, LASHA ZIVZIVADZE TitleThe main calls of agricultural cooperative on the basis of Vashlara's cooperative Page26
ID1899 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsSHOTA QVACHAKIDZE TitleEffective tasks of management of information security Page29
ID1900 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsDAVID GEGIA TitleEconomic Policy Automation Systems Experience Page32
ID1901 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsTINA MELQOSHVILI TitleFactors and tendencies of development of the electronic government Page38
ID1902 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsNODAR DZIDZIKASHVILI, KOBA KIKABIDZE, NANA NADAREISHVILI TitleForesight – the Instrument of Determining National Development Priorities Page46
ID1903 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsILGAR VALIEV TitleThe report of elasticity of leasing of the Georgian population on minibuses Page51
ID1904 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsGRIGOL ZUBIASHVILI TitleEssence and importance of a brand for the Georgian winemaking Page55
ID1905 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, MAKA BUGHULASHVILI, NATO CHIKVILADZE TitleSystem of organizational structures of management of consulting activity Page61
ID1906 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNAIRA GALAKHVARIDZE TitleMaterial - technical supply and management of some aspects of the ecology Page67
ID1907 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsLUARA GVAJAIA TitleProfessional education of personnel in organization Page73
ID1908 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTAMAR GHAMBASHIDZE, NATALIA CHANTURIA TitleModern accents of the activities international organizations Page77
ID1909 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, MAKA BUGHULASHVILI, NATO CHIKVILADZE TitleAnalysis of efficiency of activity of the consulting organizations Page84
ID1910 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA, ELEONORA LAGVILAVA TitleEssence and importance of a brand for the Georgian winemaking Page95
ID1911 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsMAYA CHECHELASHVILI, SOPIKO DEKANOSIDZE TitleManagement Tools Used for the Georgian - Style Management Systems Page98
ID1912 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTORNIKE GURULI TitleAnalysis of Marketing Campaigns Effectiveness Case Study - Pharmaceutical Retailers Page102
ID1913 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNAIRA GALAKHVARIDZE TitleIndustrial environmental management Page108
ID1914 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA, ELEONORA LAGVILAVA TitleForeign Countries Experience of Staff Recruitment Page114
ID1915 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsEKA KOPLATADZE TitleRecently the made changes and tendencies of development in the international regulation of pharmaceutical business Page120
ID1916 ThemeBanks and Financies AuthorsAKAKI GVARUTSIDZE, GIORGI TSAAVA TitleModern trends in policy implementation new products and banking services Innovation Page124
ID1917 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsTAMAR DEVIDZE TitleInnovation policy of the state role in healthcare system Page130
ID1918 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsBAQAR BERUASHVILI TitleThe analysis and assessment of the real investments made in Georgia Page134
ID1919 ThemeProblems of Tourism AuthorsTEMUR ZOIDZE TitleBatumi historical documentary, literary resources and tourist routes Page141
ID1920 ThemeCongratulations Authors TitleHENRY KUPRASHVILI - 70 Page145
ID1921 ThemeCongratulations Authors TitleSHOTA KHIZILASHVILI - 85 Page150