სოციალური ეკონომიკა


ID Theme Authors Title Page
ID1870 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsTEIMURAZ KANDASHVILI, ECATHERINE KOCHLAMAZASHVILI TitleSome of the Psychological Impact of Advertising Page10
ID1871 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, MAKA BUGHULASHVILI, NATO CHIKVILADZE TitleImitating modeling of financial and economic activities of consulting firm Page13
ID1872 ThemeProblems of Theory of Economy AuthorsGIORGI KOZMAVA TitleTransnational Companies and Globalized Economy Page19
ID1873 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsBESARION PARTSVANIA TitleInternational Projects and Program Evaluation (In English) Page24
ID1874 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsPAATA KOGHUASHVILI, GIORGI TETRADZE TitleRelated Spheres of Agribusiness in Economy and their Importance of Integration in Macro Economy Page28
ID1875 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsTSIALA LOMAIA, ELEONORA LAGVILAVA TitleProcedure of selection of human resources in “Georgian Water and Power” LLC and “Telasi” JSC Page31
ID1876 ThemeEconomic Issues of Georgia AuthorsGIORGI TETRADZE TitleResources and Technological Potential of Agribusiness in Georgia Page42
ID1877 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsVAKHTANG DATASHVILI, MAKA BUGHULASHVILI, NATO CHIKVILADZE TitleEfficiency evaluation of consulting system on the basis of system of the balanced sizes Page46
ID1878 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsTINA MELQOSHVILI TitleQuestions of improvement of management of educational process in higher educational institutions on the example of GTU Page52
ID1879 ThemeManagement and Marketing AuthorsNAIRA GALAKHVARIDZE TitleProduction management and environmental health Page55
ID1880 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsMERAB VANISHVILI, IRMA LOMADZE, DAVID KHACHAPURIDZE TitleThe bank’s own capital adequacy assessment methods Page60
ID1881 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsLEILA DOLIDZE TitleFormation of the financial plan of commercial bank Page67
ID1882 ThemeBanks and Finances AuthorsJABA BERADZE TitleFeatures of the development of the internal audit system of banking – financial activities control system Page70
ID1883 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsIRAKLI LASHKHI TitleAnalysis of the international experience of management of innovative processes in credit institutions Page75
ID1884 ThemeInvestments and Innovations AuthorsIRAKLI JANGAVADZE TitleThe role and importance of effective State innovative policy in the world Page81
ID1885 ThemeProblems of Small Business AuthorsNANI MAMPORIA TitleSmall Business in GEORGIA Page87
ID1886 ThemeProblems of Tourism AuthorsNINO LETANDZE TitleTopical issues of an economic safety of tourism (financial safety) Page92
ID1887 ThemeProblems of Tourism AuthorsNINO LETANDZE TitleRisks and problems of the organization of tourism Page98
ID1888 ThemeProblems of Architecture AuthorsMZIA MILASHVILI, MIRANDA SHAMILADZE, MARIAM TSIKLAURI TitleLast, real and future of entrances of old Tbilisi Page102
ID1889 ThemeNew Books AuthorsPAATA LEIASHVILI TitleSummary of book of prof. R. Asatiani “Where is Georgia Going? Conceptual Analysis of Socio -Economic Development” Page106
ID1890 ThemeCongratulations Authors TitlePARMEN LEMONJAVA - 80 Page108
ID1891 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO GHURTSKAIA, KARLO GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA Title Course of Lectures, Subject 5 Page111
ID1892 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO GHURTSKAIA, KARLO GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 6 Page124
ID1893 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsKARLO GHURTSKAIA, KARLO GHURTSKAIA, TATIA GHURTSKAIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 7 Page134
ID1894 ThemeAddition to the Magazine AuthorsBESARION PARTSVANIA TitleCourse of Lectures, Subject 1 -2 Page141